LogicLog Consult
A logistic consultant is a professional who assists companies by optimizing their supply chains and other operations, such as customer service and distribution. To do this, they evaluate and analyze the company's current processes to determine what they can improve. Once they identify areas of improvement, they suggest solutions to their clients. Then, these professionals help the companies implement their suggestions. Logistic consultants often work in manufacturing, transportation or warehousing.
Logistic consultants help improve companies' supply chain processes by evaluating companies' operations and offering solutions for enhancing their supply chains. These professionals use a variety of skills and duties to perform their daily responsibilities. If you're thinking of pursuing a career as a logistic consultant, it might be helpful to learn what these professionals do.
In this article, we discuss what a logistic consultant does by explaining what this career is, how to become a logistic consultant and the skills that these employees often possess.

How can we help our clients with Supply Chain & Logistics?

Whether our clients need help with serialisation, their packaging line or an entire new factory, our consultants know and understand the different steps and processes that make up a successful supply chain.

From the GxP guidelines to methodologies and tools such as Lean manufacturing, Six Sigma and SAP: our consultants have all the right knowledge and skills to optimise our clients’ supply chain and give their customers the best possible experience.

A logistic consultant is a professional who assists companies by optimizing their supply chains and other operations, such as customer service and distribution. To do this, they evaluate and analyze the company's current processes to determine what they can improve. Once they identify areas of improvement, they suggest solutions to their clients. Then, these professionals help the companies implement their suggestions. Logistic consultants often work in manufacturing, transportation or warehousing.

What is our added value as Pauwels Consulting?

Our consultants have a transversal knowledge of everything related to Supply Chain & Logistics, so they know and understand the challenges. They see the details – the challenges and limitations of each part of the chain – but also keep an eye on the big picture.
Thanks to their broad experience in diverse sectors and types of companies, our consultants bring a unique view and understanding of Supply Chain & Logistics to the table, on top of the knowledge and experience of our clients’ own employees.

Our Services

Our consultants work closely with our clients to understand their unique requirements and develop customised solutions that are tailored to their needs. With our help, businesses can improve their logistics processes, reduce costs, and achieve greater operational efficiency.

Logistics Network Planning

Building transport, inventory and location strategies around your customer service goals. Developing a logistics infrastructure that meets your business goals.

Transport Planning Optimisation

Identifying the best transport route to market for goods that meets cost/service objectives. This takes into account route optimisation, transport service providers and transport management systems

Warehouse Technology Assessment

We support companies in identifying the correct materials handling equipment (MHE) technologies as part of the warehouse design process. This ranges from automation and robotics design to the selection of pick trollies and VNA systems.

Warehouse Management System (WMS) selection

Our team work through the process of specifying requirements through to WMS vendor selection. We also provide support on implementation.

Outsourcing to third party logistics providers (3PLs)

We regularly manage tenders for clients to outsource logistics operations to 3PLs. This includes warehousing, transport and freight requirement..
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